All files / lib/lambda/submit/submissionPayloads respond-to-rai.ts

88.23% Statements 15/17
75% Branches 6/8
100% Functions 1/1
93.75% Lines 15/16

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import { events } from "shared-types/events";
import { isAuthorized, getAuthDetails, lookupUserAttributes } from "../../../libs/api/auth/user";
import { type APIGatewayEvent } from "aws-lambda";
import { itemExists } from "libs/api/package";
import { getDomain, getOsNamespace } from "libs/utils";
import * as os from "libs/opensearch-lib";
export const respondToRai = async (event: APIGatewayEvent) => {
  Iif (!event.body) return;
  const parsedResult = events["respond-to-rai"].baseSchema.safeParse(JSON.parse(event.body));
  if (!parsedResult.success) {
    throw parsedResult.error;
  // This is the backend check for auth
  if (!(await isAuthorized(event,, 2)))) {
    throw "Unauthorized";
  // This is the backend check for the item already existing
  Iif (!(await itemExists({ id: }))) {
    throw "Item Doesn't Exist";
  const item = await os.getItem(getDomain(), getOsNamespace("main"),;
  const authDetails = getAuthDetails(event);
  const userAttr = await lookupUserAttributes(authDetails.userId, authDetails.poolId);
  const submitterEmail =;
  const submitterName = `${userAttr.given_name} ${userAttr.family_name}`;
  const transformedData = events["respond-to-rai"].schema.parse({,
    authority: item?._source?.authority,
  return transformedData;