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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 | 2x 35x 37x 37x 37x 35x 35x 35x 2x | import { Authority, Events } from "shared-types"; import { getPackageChangelog } from "../api/package"; import * as EmailContent from "./content"; import { changelog } from "shared-types/opensearch"; export type UserType = "cms" | "state"; export interface EmailTemplate { to: string[]; cc?: string[]; subject: string; body: string; } export type EmailTemplateFunction<T> = (variables: T) => Promise<EmailTemplate>; export type UserTypeOnlyTemplate = { [U in UserType]: EmailTemplateFunction<any>; }; export type AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate = { [A in Authority]?: { [U in UserType]?: EmailTemplateFunction<any> }; }; export type EmailTemplates = { "new-medicaid-submission": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "new-chip-submission": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "temporary-extension": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "withdraw-package": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "withdraw-rai": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "contracting-initial": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "capitated-initial": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "contracting-amendment": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "capitated-amendment": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "contracting-renewal": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "capitated-renewal": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "contracting-amendment-state": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "capitated-amendment-state": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "contracting-renewal-state": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "capitated-renewal-state": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "respond-to-rai": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "seatool-withdraw": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "app-k": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; "upload-subsequent-documents": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate; }; // Create a type-safe mapping of email templates const emailTemplates: EmailTemplates = { "new-medicaid-submission": EmailContent.newSubmission, "new-chip-submission": EmailContent.newSubmission, "temporary-extension": EmailContent.tempExtension, "withdraw-package": EmailContent.withdrawPackage, "withdraw-rai": EmailContent.withdrawRai, "contracting-initial": EmailContent.newSubmission, "capitated-initial": EmailContent.newSubmission, "contracting-amendment": EmailContent.newSubmission, "capitated-amendment": EmailContent.newSubmission, "contracting-renewal": EmailContent.newSubmission, "capitated-renewal": EmailContent.newSubmission, "contracting-amendment-state": EmailContent.newSubmission, "capitated-amendment-state": EmailContent.newSubmission, "contracting-renewal-state": EmailContent.newSubmission, "capitated-renewal-state": EmailContent.newSubmission, "respond-to-rai": EmailContent.respondToRai, "seatool-withdraw": EmailContent.withdrawConfirmation, "app-k": EmailContent.newSubmission, "upload-subsequent-documents": EmailContent.uploadSubsequentDocuments, }; // Create a type-safe lookup function export function getEmailTemplate( action: keyof EmailTemplates, ): AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate | UserTypeOnlyTemplate { // Handle -state suffix variants const baseAction = action.replace(/-state$/, "") as keyof EmailTemplates; return emailTemplates[baseAction]; } function hasAuthority( obj: Events[keyof Events], ): obj is Extract<Events[keyof Events], { authority: string }> { return "authority" in obj; } // Update the getEmailTemplates function to use the new lookup export async function getEmailTemplates( record: Events[keyof Events], ): Promise<EmailTemplateFunction<typeof record>[]> { const { event } = record; const emailTemplate = emailTemplates[event as keyof EmailTemplates]; if (event in emailTemplates && hasAuthority(record)) { const authorityTemplates = emailTemplate[record.authority.toLowerCase() as Authority]; Eif (authorityTemplates) { return Object.values(authorityTemplates); } throw new Error("No email template found for authority"); } throw new Error("Missing event authority or email template for event"); } // I think this needs to be written to handle not finding any matching events and so forth export async function getLatestMatchingEvent( id: string, actionType: string, ): Promise<changelog.Document | null> { try { const item = await getPackageChangelog(id); // Check if item exists and has hits if (!item?.hits?.hits?.length) { console.log(`No changelog found for package ${id}`); return null; } // Filter matching events const events = item.hits.hits.filter((event) => event._source.event === actionType); // Check if any matching events were found if (!events.length) { console.log(`No events found with for package ${id}`); return null; } // Sort events by timestamp (most recent first) events.sort((a, b) => { const timestampA = a._source?.timestamp ?? 0; const timestampB = b._source?.timestamp ?? 0; return timestampB - timestampA; }); // Get the latest event const latestMatchingEvent = events[0]?._source; if (!latestMatchingEvent) { console.log(`Latest event for ${id} with has no source data`); return null; } return latestMatchingEvent; } catch (error) { console.error("Error getting latest matching event:", { id, error }); return null; } } export * from "./getAllStateUsers"; |