All files / lib/packages/shared-types attachments.ts

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import { z } from "zod";
import { s3ParseUrl } from "../shared-utils/s3-url-parser";
export const attachmentTitleMap = {
  // SPA
  cmsForm179: "CMS Form 179",
  currentStatePlan: "Current State Plan",
  spaPages: "SPA Pages",
  coverLetter: "Cover Letter",
  tribalEngagement: "Document Demonstrating Good-Faith Tribal Engagement",
  existingStatePlanPages: "Existing State Plan Page(s)",
  publicNotice: "Public Notice",
  sfq: "Standard Funding Questions (SFQs)",
  tribalConsultation: "Tribal Consultation",
  amendedLanguage: "Amended State Plan Language",
  budgetDocuments: "Budget Documents",
  officialWithdrawalLetter: "Official Withdrawal Letter",
  formalRaiLetter: "Formal RAI Letter",
  raiResponseLetter: "RAI Response Letter",
  raiResponseLetterWaiver: "Waiver RAI Response",
  revisedAmendedStatePlanLanguage: "Revised Amended State Plan Language",
  officialRaiResponse: "Official RAI Response",
  // MISC
  other: "Other",
  supportingDocumentation: "Supporting Documentation",
  bCapWaiverApplication: "1915(b) Comprehensive (Capitated) Waiver Application Pre-print",
  bCapCostSpreadsheets: "1915(b) Comprehensive (Capitated) Waiver Cost Effectiveness Spreadsheets",
    "1915(b) Comprehensive (Capitated) Waiver Independent Assessment (first two renewals only)",
    "1915(b)(4) FFS Selective Contracting (Streamlined) Waiver Application Pre-print",
    "1915(b)(4) FFS Selective Contracting (Streamlined) Independent Assessment (first two renewals only)",
  appk: "1915(c) Appendix K Amendment Waiver Template",
  waiverExtensionRequest: "Waiver Extension Request",
export type AttachmentKey = keyof typeof attachmentTitleMap;
export type AttachmentTitle = (typeof attachmentTitleMap)[AttachmentKey];
export const attachmentSchema = z.object({
  filename: z.string(),
  title: z.string(),
  bucket: z.string(),
  key: z.string(),
  uploadDate: z.number(),
export type Attachment = z.infer<typeof attachmentSchema>;
// Attachment schema for legacy records
export const legacyAttachmentSchema = z.object({
  s3Key: z.string(),
  filename: z.string(),
  title: z.string(),
  contentType: z.string(),
  url: z.string().url(),
export type LegacyAttachment = z.infer<typeof legacyAttachmentSchema>;
export function handleLegacyAttachment(attachment: LegacyAttachment): Attachment | null {
  const parsedUrl = s3ParseUrl(attachment.url || "");
  if (!parsedUrl) return null;
  const bucket = parsedUrl.bucket;
  const key = parsedUrl.key;
  const uploadDate = parseInt(attachment.s3Key?.split("/")[0] || "0");
  return {
    title: attachment.title,
    filename: attachment.filename,
  } as Attachment;
export const attachmentArraySchema = ({
  message = "Required",
}: {
  max?: number;
  message?: string;
} = {}) => {
  const min = 1;
  const baseSchema = z.array(attachmentSchema);
  const noMax = max === 0 || max === undefined;
  if (noMax) {
    return baseSchema.min(min, { message });
  return baseSchema.min(min, { message }).max(max, { message });
export const attachmentArraySchemaOptional = () => {
  const baseSchema = z.array(attachmentSchema);
  return baseSchema.optional();