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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 | 186x | import { z } from "zod"; import { ItemResult as Changelog } from "../changelog"; import { AggQuery, Filterable as FIL, Hit, QueryState, Response as Res } from "./../_"; import { appK, capitatedAmendment, capitatedInitial, capitatedRenewal, changedDate, contractingAmendment, contractingInitial, contractingRenewal, legacyPackageView, newChipSubmission, newMedicaidSubmission, respondToRai, seatool, temporaryExtension, toggleWithdrawRai, uploadSubsequentDocuments, withdrawPackage, withdrawRai, } from "./transforms"; export type AppkDocument = z.infer<appK.Schema>; export type CapitatedAmendmentDocument = z.infer<capitatedAmendment.Schema>; export type CapitatedInitialDocument = z.infer<capitatedInitial.Schema>; export type CapitatedRenewalDocument = z.infer<capitatedRenewal.Schema>; export type ChangedDateDocument = z.infer<changedDate.Schema>; export type ContractingAmendmentDocument = z.infer<contractingAmendment.Schema>; export type ContractingInitialDocument = z.infer<contractingInitial.Schema>; export type ContractingRenewalDocument = z.infer<contractingAmendment.Schema>; export type LegacyPackageViewDocument = z.infer<legacyPackageView.Schema>; export type NewChipSubmissionDocument = z.infer<newChipSubmission.Schema>; export type NewMedicaidSubmissionDocument = z.infer<newMedicaidSubmission.Schema>; export type RespondToRaiDocument = z.infer<respondToRai.Schema>; export type SeatoolDocument = z.infer<seatool.Schema>; export type TemporaryExtensionDocument = z.infer<temporaryExtension.Schema>; export type ToggleWithdrawRaiDocument = z.infer<toggleWithdrawRai.Schema>; export type UploadSubsequentDocuments = z.infer<uploadSubsequentDocuments.Schema>; export type WithdrawPackageDocument = z.infer<withdrawPackage.Schema>; export type WithdrawRaiDocument = z.infer<withdrawRai.Schema>; export type Document = AppkDocument & CapitatedAmendmentDocument & CapitatedInitialDocument & CapitatedRenewalDocument & ChangedDateDocument & ContractingAmendmentDocument & ContractingInitialDocument & ContractingRenewalDocument & LegacyPackageViewDocument & NewChipSubmissionDocument & NewMedicaidSubmissionDocument & RespondToRaiDocument & SeatoolDocument & TemporaryExtensionDocument & ToggleWithdrawRaiDocument & UploadSubsequentDocuments & WithdrawPackageDocument & WithdrawRaiDocument & { makoChangedDate: string; changelog?: Changelog[]; appkChildren?: Omit<ItemResult, "found">[]; deleted?: boolean; adminChangeType?: string; changeMade?: string; idToBeUpdated?: string; mockEvent?: string; withdrawEmailSent?: boolean; }; export type Response = Res<Document>; export type ItemResult = Hit<Document> & { found: boolean; }; export type Field = keyof Document | `${keyof Document}.keyword`; export type Filterable = FIL<Field>; export type State = QueryState<Field>; export type Aggs = AggQuery<Field>; export * from "./transforms"; export const transforms = { "app-k": appK, "capitated-amendment": capitatedAmendment, "capitated-initial": capitatedInitial, "capitated-renewal": capitatedRenewal, "contracting-amendment": contractingAmendment, "contracting-initial": contractingInitial, "contracting-renewal": contractingRenewal, "new-chip-submission": newChipSubmission, "new-medicaid-submission": newMedicaidSubmission, "respond-to-rai": respondToRai, "temporary-extension": temporaryExtension, "toggle-withdraw-rai": toggleWithdrawRai, "upload-subsequent-documents": uploadSubsequentDocuments, "withdraw-package": withdrawPackage, "withdraw-rai": withdrawRai, }; |