All files / lib/packages/shared-utils date-helper.ts

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87.5% Branches 7/8
50% Functions 3/6
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import { format, add } from "date-fns";
export function formatDate(date: number | null | undefined) {
  if (!date || date === undefined) {
    return "Pending";
  return format(date, "MMMM d, yyyy");
export const isDST = (date: Date): boolean => {
  const jan = new Date(date).getTimezoneOffset();
  const jul = new Date(new Date(date).setMonth(6)).getTimezoneOffset();
  return new Date(date).getTimezoneOffset() < Math.max(jan, jul);
export function formatNinetyDaysDate(date: number | null | undefined): string {
  if (!date) {
    return "Pending";
  const baseDate = new Date(date);
  const ninetyDaysLater = add(baseDate, { days: 90 });
  const timezoneAbbreviation = isDST(ninetyDaysLater) ? "EDT" : "EST";
  return format(ninetyDaysLater, `MMM d, yyyy '@ 11:59pm ${timezoneAbbreviation}'`);