Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 | 72x 72x 72x | import { getItem } from "@/api"; import { queryClient } from "../../../router"; import { RespondToRaiChip, RespondToRaiMedicaid, RespondToRaiWaiver } from "./respond-to-rai"; import { DisableWithdrawRaiForm, EnableWithdrawRaiForm } from "./toggle-withdraw-rai"; import { LoaderFunction, Navigate, useParams } from "react-router"; import { Action, AuthorityUnion } from "shared-types"; import { WithdrawPackageAction, WithdrawPackageActionChip, WithdrawPackageActionWaiver, } from "./withdraw-package"; import { WithdrawRaiForm } from "./withdraw-rai"; import { Amendment } from "./amend"; import { TemporaryExtensionForm } from "../waiver/temporary-extension"; import { UploadSubsequentDocuments } from "./upload-subsequent-documents"; export const postSubmissionForms: Partial< Record<Action, Partial<Record<AuthorityUnion, () => React.ReactNode>>> > = { "withdraw-package": { "1915(b)": WithdrawPackageActionWaiver, "1915(c)": WithdrawPackageActionWaiver, "Medicaid SPA": WithdrawPackageAction, "CHIP SPA": WithdrawPackageActionChip, }, "respond-to-rai": { "1915(b)": RespondToRaiWaiver, "1915(c)": RespondToRaiWaiver, "Medicaid SPA": RespondToRaiMedicaid, "CHIP SPA": RespondToRaiChip, }, "withdraw-rai": { "1915(b)": WithdrawRaiForm, "1915(c)": WithdrawRaiForm, "Medicaid SPA": WithdrawRaiForm, "CHIP SPA": WithdrawRaiForm, }, "enable-rai-withdraw": { "1915(b)": EnableWithdrawRaiForm, "1915(c)": EnableWithdrawRaiForm, "Medicaid SPA": EnableWithdrawRaiForm, "CHIP SPA": EnableWithdrawRaiForm, }, "disable-rai-withdraw": { "1915(b)": DisableWithdrawRaiForm, "1915(c)": DisableWithdrawRaiForm, "Medicaid SPA": DisableWithdrawRaiForm, "CHIP SPA": DisableWithdrawRaiForm, }, "temporary-extension": { "1915(b)": TemporaryExtensionForm, }, "amend-waiver": { ["1915(b)"]: Amendment, }, "upload-subsequent-documents": { ["1915(b)"]: UploadSubsequentDocuments, ["1915(c)"]: UploadSubsequentDocuments, ["Medicaid SPA"]: UploadSubsequentDocuments, ["CHIP SPA"]: UploadSubsequentDocuments, }, }; export const PostSubmissionWrapper = () => { const { type, authority } = useParams<{ authority: AuthorityUnion; type: string }>(); const PostSubmissionForm = postSubmissionForms?.[type]?.[authority]; if (PostSubmissionForm === undefined) { return <Navigate to="/" />; } return <PostSubmissionForm />; }; export const postSubmissionLoader: LoaderFunction = async ({ params }) => { return await queryClient.fetchQuery({ queryKey: ["record",], queryFn: async () => getItem(, }); }; |