All files / react-app/src/utils crumbs.ts

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import { BreadCrumbConfig } from "@/components";
import { mapActionLabel } from "@/utils";
import { Action } from "shared-types/actions";
import { Authority } from "shared-types/authority";
type DetailsAndActionsBreadCrumbsArgs = {
  id: string;
  authority: Authority;
  actionType?: Action;
export const getDashboardTabForAuthority = (authority: Authority): "spas" | "waivers" => {
  switch (authority) {
    case "CHIP SPA" as Authority:
    case "Medicaid SPA" as Authority:
      return "spas";
    case "1915(b)":
    case "1915(c)":
      return "waivers";
      throw new Error("Invalid authority");
export const detailsAndActionsCrumbs = ({
}: DetailsAndActionsBreadCrumbsArgs): BreadCrumbConfig[] => {
  const defaultBreadCrumbs = [dashboardCrumb(authority), detailsCrumb(id, authority)];
  return actionType ? [...defaultBreadCrumbs, actionCrumb(actionType, id)] : defaultBreadCrumbs;
export const dashboardCrumb = (authority?: Authority): BreadCrumbConfig => ({
  displayText: "Dashboard",
  order: 1,
  default: true,
  to: authority ? `/dashboard?tab=${getDashboardTabForAuthority(authority)}` : "/dashboard",
export const detailsCrumb = (id: string, authority: Authority): BreadCrumbConfig => ({
  displayText: id,
  order: 2,
  to: `/details/${authority}/${id}`,
export const actionCrumb = (action: Action, id: string): BreadCrumbConfig => ({
  displayText: mapActionLabel(action),
  order: 3,
  to: `/actions/${id}/${action}`,