All files / react-app/src/utils zod.ts

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import { z } from "zod";
import { isAuthorizedState } from "@/utils";
import { canBeRenewedOrAmended, idIsApproved, itemExists } from "@/api";
import { validId } from "@/zodIdValidator";
export const zSpaIdSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "ID doesn't match format SS-YY-NNNN or SS-YY-NNNN-XXXX",
  .refine(async (value) => !(await itemExists(value)), {
      "According to our records, this SPA ID already exists. Please check the SPA ID and try entering it again.",
export const zAttachmentOptional = z.array(z.instanceof(File)).optional();
export const zAttachmentRequired = ({
  max = 9999,
  message = "Required",
}: {
  min: number;
  max?: number;
  message?: string;
}) =>
  z.array(z.instanceof(File)).refine((value) => value.length >= min && value.length <= max, {
    message: message,
export const zAdditionalInfoOptional = z
  .max(4000, "This field may only be up to 4000 characters.")
    (value) => {
      if (!value) return true;
      return value === "" || value.trim().length > 0;
    { message: "Additional Information can not be only whitespace." },
export const zAdditionalInfo = z
  .max(4000, "This field may only be up to 4000 characters.")
  .refine((value) => value !== "", {
    message: "Additional Information is required.",
  .refine((value) => value.trim().length > 0, {
    message: "Additional Information can not be only whitespace.",
export const zInitialWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "The Initial Waiver Number must be in the format of SS-####.R00.00 or SS-#####.R00.00",
  .refine(async (value) => !(await itemExists(value)), {
      "According to our records, this 1915(b) Waiver Number already exists. Please check the 1915(b) Waiver Number and try entering it again.",
export const zRenewalWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "Renewal Number must be in the format of SS-####.R##.00 or SS-#####.R##.00 For renewals, the “R##” starts with '01' and ascends.",
  .refine(async (value) => !(await itemExists(value)), {
      "According to our records, this 1915(b) Waiver Renewal Number already exists. Please check the 1915(b) Waiver Renewal Number and try entering it again.",
export const zAmendmentWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "The 1915(b) Waiver Amendment Number must be in the format of SS-####.R##.## or SS-#####.R##.##. For amendments, the last two digits start with '01' and ascends.",
  .refine(async (value) => !(await itemExists(value)), {
      "According to our records, this 1915(b) Waiver Amendment Number already exists. Please check the 1915(b) Waiver Amendment Number and try entering it again.",
export const zAmendmentOriginalWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "The approved 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Number must be in the format of SS-####.R##.## or SS-#####.R##.##.",
  // This should already exist.
  .refine(async (value) => await itemExists(value), {
      "According to our records, this 1915(b) Waiver Number does not yet exist. Please check the 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Waiver Number and try entering it again.",
  .refine(async (value) => canBeRenewedOrAmended(value), {
      "The 1915(b) Waiver Number entered does not seem to match our records. Please enter an approved 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Waiver Number, using a dash after the two character state abbreviation.",
  .refine(async (value) => idIsApproved(value), {
      "According to our records, this 1915(b) Waiver Number is not approved. You must supply an approved 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Waiver Number.",
export const zRenewalOriginalWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "The approved 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Waiver Number must be in the format of SS-####.R##.## or SS-#####.R##.##.",
  // This should already exist
  .refine(async (value) => await itemExists(value), {
      "According to our records, this 1915(b) Waiver Number does not yet exist. Please check the 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Waiver Number and try entering it again.",
  .refine(async (value) => canBeRenewedOrAmended(value), {
      "The 1915(b) Waiver Number entered does not seem to match our records. Please enter an approved 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Waiver Number, using a dash after the two character state abbreviation.",
  .refine(async (value) => idIsApproved(value), {
      "According to our records, this 1915(b) Waiver Number is not approved. You must supply an approved 1915(b) Initial or Renewal Waiver Number.",
export const zAppkWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .min(1, { message: "Required" })
    "The Waiver Amendment Number must be in the format of ####.R##.## or #####.R##.##. For amendments, the last two digits start with '01' and ascends.",
export const zExtensionWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "The Temporary Extension Request Number must be in the format of SS-####.R##.TE## or SS-#####.R##.TE##",
  .refine(async (value) => !(await itemExists(value)), {
      "According to our records, this Temporary Extension Request Number already exists. Please check the Temporary Extension Request Number and try entering it again.",
export const zExtensionOriginalWaiverNumberSchema = z
  .refine((value) => value.length !== 0, { message: "Required" })
  .refine((value) => isAuthorizedState(value), {
      "You can only submit for a state you have access to. If you need to add another state, visit your IDM user profile to request access.",
      "The Approved Initial or Renewal Waiver Number must be in the format of SS-####.R##.00 or SS-#####.R##.00.",
  // This should already exist
  .refine(async (value) => itemExists(value), {
      "According to our records, this Approved Initial or Renewal Waiver Number does not yet exist. Please check the Approved Initial or Renewal Waiver Number and try entering it again.",
  .refine(async (value) => idIsApproved(value), {
      "According to our records, this Approved Initial or Renewal Waiver Number is not approved. You must supply an approved Initial or Renewal Waiver Number.",
export const zUpdateIdSchema = z
  .refine(async (value) => !(await itemExists(value)), {
      "According to our records, this ID already exists. Please check the ID and try entering it again.",
      "The new ID can only contain uppercase letters, numbers, dots, and dashes without any whitespace, no leading or trailing dashes or dots, no consecutive dots or dashes.",
// this code is a solution that solves a problem we are having with TE forms
// it comes from the following source (view that form more information)
export function zodAlwaysRefine<T extends z.ZodTypeAny>(zodType: T) {
  return z.any().superRefine(async (value, ctx) => {
    const res = await zodType.safeParseAsync(value);
    if (res.success === false)
      for (const issue of res.error.issues) {
  }) as unknown as T;